Tuesday 17 September 2013

‘Samarth-2013’ Online Photography Competition

 ‘Samarth-2013’ Online Photography Competition.

Themes: (1) A Potential Disaster (2) After the Disaster or (3) Preparedness for Disasters
Deadline for entry submission: 10th of October, 2013 (5:00PM)
Prizes: 1st Position- Rs. 5,000; 2nd Position- Rs. 3,000; and 3rd Position- Rs. 2,000 (Certificate of Participation will be awarded to all entrants).
Who can participate: Any resident of Himachal Pradesh
How to participate: Each entrant can send maximum three (3) entries alongwith the following details-

• Name of the Entrant:

• Address for Correspondence:
• Contact Number:
• Date of Birth:
• When was this Photograph taken (Date and Time)?
• Where was this Photograph taken (Place and District)?
• Description of the photograph (in 500 words maximum)

 NOTE: Each entry must comply with the following requirements (the Photograph Requirements)-

• Photographs must be in digital format and must be e-mailed at- sdma-hp@nic.in stating 'Samarth-2013 PC' in the subject line. No print or film submissions will be accepted for entry into this Competition. The photograph may be taken with a digital camera, a video camera or even a mobile phone camera. The photograph must be in .JPEG or .JPG format and the size of the file must be 5 MB or smaller.

• Photographs must have been taken only in the state of Himachal Pradesh within Six (6) months before the date of entry.
• Any changes (editing in Photoshop etc.) to the original Photograph are unacceptable and will render the Photograph ineligible for the competition.
• By entering the Competition, the entrant represents and acknowledges that the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by the entrant, that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim or interest in the photograph.
• The photograph must not contain obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content.
• The entries will be judged in accordance with our judging criteria of ORIGINALITY, RELEVANCE, IMPACT, COMPOSITION, QUALITY and CREATIVITY.
All entries must be received by  October 10, 2013 at 5:00 PM (IST).. Entries must be made by the authorized e-mail account of the entrant. The HPSDMA reserves the right to examine the original photographs in order to confirm compliance with these rules.

COPYRIGHT: The entrant retains Copyright of the photograph
USAGE RIGHTS: By submitting a photo, entrants grant HPSDMA the right to edit / reproduce the photograph for our IEC material, on HPSDMA website and the social media pages of ‘Sajag Himachal’.

 Advice for the entrants:. Do check out the website of HPSDMA (www.hpsdma.nic.into discover more about the hazards, risks and vulnerabilities in Himachal Pradesh.

 NOTE:. For any assistance or query, please call- Navneet Yadav at 98166 78898.

Welcome to the blog of 'Sajag Himachal'! 'सजग हिमाचल' के ब्लॉग पर आपका स्वागत है!

Greetings from the H.P. State Disaster Management Authority!

Welcome to the Official Blog of 'Sajag Himachal', a social media campaign being carried out by the Himachal Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority (HPSDMA)! At HPSDMA, we believe that the ever-growing risks of disasters can be reduced only with the proactive involvement and collective efforts of all stakeholders of the society- including Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations, Educational & Research Institutions, Media, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies, Corporate Houses and the community at large.

It is a matter of great concern that Himachal Pradesh is a state susceptible to different types of natural hazards, mainly due to the adverse geological, topographical and climatic conditions of the state. While, there is no way we can prevent the occurrence of these hazards, there certainly are a number of measures that can be taken to mitigate the risks and to reduce the vulnerability of the people.

As one of the most significant steps towards creating a disaster-resilient society is the timely and proper documentation of disasters (or potentially-disastrous events), it is very crucial that everyone takes the responsibility to gather, and more importantly, share the relevant information, data, news, photographs, videos, etc. So, whatever your vocation and social calling is and wherever you live, you can always support the initiatives of the HPSDMA just by sharing. Each piece of information shared will help us to strengthen the learning and understanding about disasters and relevant aspects. And remember, if you share, it means you care...

With best wishes and positive anticipation of making 'Sajag Himachal' the best ever Social Media Campaign of the world,

in solidarity,

Pricipal Secretary (Revenue) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
H. P. Secretariat
Shimla 171002


हि॰ प्र॰ राज्य आपदा प्रबंधन प्राधिकरण की ओर से आपको नमस्कार!

आपदा प्रबंधन से जुड़े विषयों पर केन्द्रित तथा सामाजिक संचार-माध्यमों पर आधारित जन-सहभागिता व जागरूकता अभियान ‘सजग हिमाचल’ के आधिकारिक ब्लॉग पर आपका हार्दिक अभिनंदन है! हि॰प्र॰रा॰आ॰प्र॰प्रा॰ में हमारा मानना है कि आपदाओं के निरंतर बढ़ते जोखिमों को घटाने के लिए समाज के सभी अंशधारकों की सक्रिय सहभागिता व सामूहिक प्रयास अत्यधिक आवश्यक हैं। इन अंशधारकों में सरकारी व गैर-सरकारी संगठन, शैक्षणिक व अनुसंधान संस्थान, पंचायती राज संस्थाएं, मीडिया, नगरीय स्थानीय संस्थाएं, व्यावसायिक प्रतिष्ठान व जन-समुदाय प्रमुख हैं।

यह बहुत ही चिंता का विषय है कि हिमाचल प्रदेश एक ऐसा राज्य है जो अपनी विषम भूगर्भीय, स्थलाकृतिक व जलवायु-संबन्धित परिस्थितियों के कारण विभिन्न प्रकार के प्राकृतिक संकटों के प्रति अतिसंवेदनशील है। आपदाओं के इन संकटों को रोक पाना तो असंभव है, परंतु निश्चित रूप से ऐसे अनेक उपाय है जिन्हें अपनाकर आपदाओं के जोखिमों व लोगों की संवेदनशीलता को घटाया जा सकता है।

चूंकि आपदाओं (अथवा आपदा-संभावित परिस्थितियों) का सही व नियमित दस्तावेजीकरण आपदा प्रतिरोध हेतु क्षमतापूर्ण समाज के निर्माण के लिए सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण चरणों में से एक है, इसलिए यह अति आवश्यक है कि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति आपदा संबन्धित सूचना, आँकड़े, समाचार, छायाचित्र, चलचित्र इत्यादि एकत्र व साझा करे। अत: आप जो भी कार्य करते हों व जहाँ के भी रहने वाले हों, आपके द्वारा साझा की गई प्रत्येक जानकारी हि॰प्र॰रा॰आ॰प्र॰प्रा॰ के प्रयासों को मजबूत करने में सहायक हो सकती है। प्रत्येक सूचना जो आप हमसे साझा करेंगे वह आपदाओं के बारे में हमारी समझ व ज्ञान को बेहतर बनाने में सहायक होगी। और याद रखें, जनहित में जानकारी साझा करना दर्शाता है कि आप अपने सामाजिक दायित्वों को लेकर कितने सजग हैं...

शुभकामनाओं सहित व ‘सजग हिमाचल’ को सामाजिक संचार-माध्यमों पर आधारित विश्व का सर्वोत्तम अभियान बनाने की सकारात्मक आशा के साथ,


प्रधान सचिव (राजस्व)
हिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार
हिमाचल प्रदेश सचिवालय
शिमला 171002